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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Surya Namaskar सूर्य नमस्कार

               Surya Namaskara

 Suryanamaskar is one of the best yogic exercises, as it alone
gives us the benefits of different asanas and the pranayamas.

  • It is more beneficial when it is practised at sun rise and sun set,facing the sun with minimum clothes. 
  •  It is like warm up of yoga.
  •  It is recommended to be performed on an empty stomach.
  • Suryanamaskar (Sun salutation ) is combination of few asanas. 
  • Its roots can be found in yoga philosophy of vedic traditions. 
  • It is practiced in more than 40 different types all over India. There are set of well balanced movements that will stretch all the muscles in the body. Thus keeping the body and mind healthy.

                                13 Mantras

  1. Om Mitraya Namah- The Friend of All
  2. Om Ravaye Namah - The Shining One
  3. Om Suryaya Namah - The One who induces Activity
  4. Om Bhanave Namah - The One who Illuminates
  5. Om Khagaya Namah - The One who moves quickly in the Sky
  6. Om Pushne Namah - The Giver of Strength
  7. Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah - The bright Centre of All Energy
  8. Om Marichaye Namah - The Lord of Dawn
  9. Om Adityaya Namah - The Son of Aditi
  10. Om Savitre Namah - The Benevolent Mother
  11. Om Arkaya Namah - The One who is fit to be Praised
  12. Om Bhaskaraya Namah - The One who leads to Enlightenment
  13. Om Srisavitrusuryanarayanaya Namah The Surya (Sun)


 1. Strengthens the entire digestive system (including stomach, pancreas, intestines, 
liver, etc.) and cures, and prevents constipation.
2. Enhances the nervous system (including the brain, spinal cord, worries and other 
forms of mental problems.
3. Prevent blood pressure.
4. Develops the lungs, gives you wind and prevents tuberculosis.
5. Improves the quality and circulation of the blood. Active circulation of the blood is 
the first law of health.
6. Stimulates glandular activity; gives a new vivacity to the glands. Owing to the stretching and compressing movements of the throat and neck the thyroid gland is 
stimulated and any tendency to goiter is obviated. Correct glandular functioning 
governs health and attractiveness.
7. Strengthens the neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, fingers, back, stomach, waist, 
abdomen, intestines, thighs, knees, calves and ankles. Strengthening the back is known to be a simple but efficient remedy for kidney troubles.
8. Improves and develops the chest, i. e. keeps it hard, firm and elastic; restores it to 
normal loveliness.
9. Improves the uterus (womb) and ovaries removes menstrual disorders such all 
dysmenorrhea and consequent pain and misery.
10. Child-bearing is less painful and more easy. All discomforts from menopause vanish.
11. Increase the quantity and improves the quality or milk in nursing mothers.
12. Proven to halt falling hair, and its tendency to grayness and prevents baldness by increasing nutrition to the hair and scalp, and the bonding of the neck backward and forward, insures good circulation to the bead.
13. Reduces redundant fat, especially the fat about the abdomen, hips, thighs, neck and 
14. Will remove kidney troubles. Strengthens the stomach, neck, back, and chest by the mere rolling of the stomach towards the spine, as in some of the positions of Surya Namaskar. 
15. Reduces the abnormal prominence of the the Adam’s apple by the forward and 
backward bending of the nook.
16. Improves knock-knees in walking.
17. Will increase the height of the body if the positions are correctly performed.
18. Will prevent and cure constipation.
19. Not merely gives you external form, shapeliness and muscle of the body, but 
improves and normalizes the function of most of the vital internal organs.
20. Makes you immune from disease by tremendously increasing your disease-resisting power. The practical test of health is that one should never have even ordinary cold or cough, which is regarded even by some medical men as inevitable or as a matter of course. A healthy person never feels that he has any organ or limb.


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