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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

◾12 Benefits of a Panchakarma Cleanse ◾

According to the ancient texts, here are the twelve benefits to a yearly Panchakarma Cleanse:

  1. Restores youth: Notice those who regularly perform Panchakarma, good chances are you won't be able to tell their age.

  2. Removes mental and physical fatigue. Once the vata, pitta and kapha are balanced, the mind and the body feels lighter and energetic. I do not eat as much as I used to and have much more energy.

  3. Reduces perturbed Vata. The generous oil massages, steaming and internal medications help reduce vata. Pertrubed vata can lead to joint issues and arthritis, just like lack of lubrication leads to squeaky joints in machinery. My joints are noticeably more supple and flexible.

  4. Improves eyesight. My eye sight is pretty bad to begin with (-8 and -9), I have not seen any changes in my sight but my eyes are certainly not as dry as before.

  5. Increases strength. My body is noticeably stronger. I am able to lift my daughter, do shoulder stands and lift heavy furniture without strain or fatigue.

  6. Longevity. I plan to do a panchakarma every year, we will see about longevity. Its not hard to believe.

  7. Promotes good sleep. This has certainly been my experience once the soothing Pizhichil massage was done.

  8. Tone the skin. My extremely dry skin has somewhat calmed down. I continue to have an oil bath at night, as was prescribed by my physician.

  9. Tolerance against injuries. It has been a month since my Panchakarma, I have not noticed anything particular but usually, I am always bumping into things and have bruises on me. I don't see any sore spots on my body.

  10. Protection from wind and phlegm related diseases: I have not caught a cold yet inspite of shifting my home, having major stressors in my significant relationships and embarking on this new purpose. I normally do fall sick when stressed.

  11. Tolerance against diseases: The massages received during a panchakarma strengthen the flow of lymph, blood, tones the flesh,tendons and nerves, helps strengthen the bones, teeth and nails and improves the health of our marrow and sexual organs and fluids. My nails are noticeably clearer and my teeth are whiter.

  12. Improves skin color: I am certainly a more asthetically pleasing skin tone than before. From dark honey I have gone to a more golden tone, which I like better.



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