🔹Ayurvedic massage therapy is not just the simple application of oil and massage as it is understood by most people it involves therapeutic consideration such as prakruti,dosha,dhatu.
Anointing the body with oil,ghee etc called as Abhyanga.Generally simple or medicated oil are extensively used ; ghrita is used occasionally whereas other sneha are rarely used.
1. संवहन - whole body massage
2. केश मर्दन - head massage
3. उत्सादन - massage with kalka
a.jarahar - prevents and correct ageing process
b.sramhara - it helps a person to overcome fatigue due to hard work.
c.vatahara - it correct and prevention disorders caused by affliction of vata.
d.drishti prasad kara - it promotes eyesight.
e.pushtikara - it help in nourishment of body.
f.Ayushkara - it promotes longetivity because of improvement in the function of vital organ.
g.svapnakar - it helps the individual to get sleep.
h.tvak dard'hyakara - it promotes sturdiness of an individual.
i.klesa sahatva - capability to tolerate the stress and strains of life.
j.varna bala prada - improve the colour of the skin.
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