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Sometimes you need advice, Ask a teacher to solve your problems.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

๐Ÿ“๐ŸŽ25 Best Diabetes Friendly Fruits That Will Not Raise Your Blood Sugar๐Ÿ‰๐Ÿ‘

Passion fruit is rich in vitamin C. The peel of the passion fruit contains soluble fiber, pectin. And pectin benefits people with diabetes by preventing sudden spike in blood sugar levels.

4. Guava

Guavas are another rich source of dietary fiber and vitamin C. With their high fiber and low glucose concentration, guavas promote weight loss and create the feeling of fullness.

5. Kiwi

The brown fuzz covered fruit, with the millions of seeds within, is a compact source of fiber and vitamin C. Snacking on a kiwi will help you access a healthy dosage of sugar along with other nutrients (2).

6. Pears

Pears can be eaten plain or added to a salad. Whichever way you consume them, they taste great and are packed with nutrients and good fibers (3). The high water content and dietary fiber in pears may help in keeping your hunger pangs at bay.

7. Oranges, Tangerines, And Mandarins

Another great addition to your food plan is oranges, tangerines, and mandarins. These are low-glycemic index fruits and are packed with vitamin C and dietary fiber.

8. Apples

Being abundantly available, let’s not take apples for granted. They happen to cover all the essentials for good health and living. The skin of apples is crammed with antioxidants. Apples also contain high fiber that helps in proper digestion, and works perfectly as a refreshing light snack.

9. Apricots

If you are looking for something with limited sweet (sugar) and maximum benefit, then apricot will be your best friend. With low carbs, apricots are nothing short of healthy fruits and make a great addition to the diabetic meal course. Apricots are rich in fiber and vitamin A. But DO NOT consume dried apricots as they contain a higher amount of sugar.

10. Peaches

Peaches taste delicious! And it’s great for people with diabetes. Whether you’re looking for vitamins A and C, or are trying to fix your fiber intake, peaches are what you should consider (4).

11. Cherries

Cherries possess anti-inflammatory properties, which can be of tremendous benefit for you (5). But keep a check on the number of cherries you consume. When buying cherries, go for those that aren’t high in sugar DO NOT buy canned cherries.

12. Strawberries

Strawberries are a rich source of antioxidants and essential vitamins. So, they can highly beneficial for you (6).

13. Grapefruit

Grapefruit is packed with a good amount of vitamin C and dietary fiber. It will help keep you satiated for a longer duration and may prevent a high-blood sugar. Avoid artificial or store bought grapefruit juice as the sugar content in it is very high.

14. Figs

High dietary fiber, antioxidants, iron and other minerals can be obtained with concise portions of figs. When consuming dried figs, people with diabetes must make an effort to keep in check the number of figs they eat. Figs are truly a boon when you suffer from diabetes, as they contribute to weight loss with their low glucose content.

15. Blueberries

Blueberries are like little shots of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components (7). They are low in glycemic index which is why you should have this fruit.

16. Watermelon

Watermelons have a lot of useful minerals, fiber and high water content. This is likely to reduce hunger as it will create a feeling of fullness, without raising the blood sugar levels.

17. Mango

Mangoes contain vitamins and minerals, and they provide lot of energy. People would usually shy away from eating mangoes, because of their high carbohydrate content. But, if taken in the right amount, they can be helpful.

18. Banana

Bananas are an excellent source of potassium. In addition to that, they also have a very high percentage of vitamins. Consume this fruit in limited amounts to controlling sugar levels as bananas are high in carbohydrates.

19. Raspberries

Raspberries are high in fiber, which is good for diabetics (8). They also rich in antioxidants and vitamins.

20. Grapes

Red grapes are a good source of dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins and fruit sugar. Because of fruit sugar, grapes are usually not ideal for people with diabetes. But if you practice portion control, you will be able to control the spike in blood glucose levels.

21. Avocado

Though high in calories, avocados can be helpful for diabetics (9). They present themselves as exceptional forms of fatty acids and vitamin C. The fatty acids in avocados can bring down glycemic levels in the body.

22. Cantaloupe:

Cantaloupe is very refreshing and tender. It is high in water, nutrients, and minerals. People with diabetes must keep a constant check on the portion sizes before consumption.

23. Pomegranate:

Pomegranates are wonderful sources of iron. They provide various other minerals and nutritional substances for the benefit of our living. Pomegranate juice works wonders in keeping blood sugar levels under control (10).

24. Plums:

Plums are no exception to the rule of portion control. Sugar levels can rise considerably if you consume too many plums. But they can also prove to be good for health. Plums are high in sugar, so they can be used to sweeten fruit salads, smoothies, and so on.

25. Tomatoes:

Tomatoes are also found to have a great deal of use for diabetics (11). Tomatoes are very low in carbohydrates. They should he eaten raw to reap the full benefit. Avoid consuming tomato sauce and ketchup, as they contain a high amount of sugar and salt.


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Surgical procedures that Ayurvedic doctors are now permitted to perform

Full list of surgical procedures that Ayurvedic doctors are now permitted to perform on completion of a PG course:-

*MS (Ayurved) Shalya Tantra* 

1.    Debridement/fasciotomy/Curettage
2.    Perianal abscess, breast abscess, Axillary abscess, cellulitis, etc
3.    All types of skin grafting, ear lobe repair
4.    Excision of simple cyst and benign tumours (lipoma, fibroma,  schwannoma, etc.) of Non-vital Organs
5.    Excision/amputation of gangrene
6.    Traumatic wound management - all types of suturing, Haemostatic ligatures, Ligation and repair of tendon and muscles
7.    Removal of metallic and non-metalic foreign bodies from non-vital organs
8.    close reduction, immobilisation, splints/cast
9.    Reduction of dislocation and subluxation
10.    Laparotomy
11.    various methods of haemorrhoidectomy, Rubber Band Ligation, Sclerotherapy, IRC, Radio frequency/Laser ablation, etc.  
12.    Fissure in ano - Anal Dilatation, Sphincterotomy Anoplasty
13.    Fistulectomy, Fistulotomy
14.    Excision of pilonidal sinus
15.    various Rectopexies
16.    suprapubic cystostomy/cystolithotomy
17.    Urethral Dilatation, meatomy
18.    Circumcision
19.    Congenital/ Inguinal/ Umbilical / Epigastric/ Femoral/ Incisional Hernia :-Herniotomy, Herniorraphy, Hernioplasty
20.    Hydrocele Eversion of Sac
21.    Intercostal Drain for thoracic trauma
22.    Ligation of Haemangioma, Vascular ligation, Ligation of varicocele, varicose veins/ stripping surgery
23.    Excision of benign lesions, cyst/tumour of breast, Lump biopsy
24.    Exploratory laparotomy
25.    Foreign body removal from stomach.  
26.    use of Video proctoscopy, Sigmoidoscopy
27.    Ileostomy, colostomy, Resection anastomosis in emergency
28.    Sigmoidoscopic biopsies, polypectomy
29.    Appendisectomy
30.    Cholecystectomy
31.    Laryngeal Mask Airway, Intubation, Bag/Mask Ventilation
32.    Suprapubic Cystostomy, SuprapubicCystolithotomy
33.    Excision of Calcified Plaque Peyronie's Disease
34.    Orchidopexy, Orchidectomy

1.    Diseases of Eyelids:-  sling surgery, correction surgery, Incision and drainage/ curettage, Benign Lid tumour - Excision Surgery
2.    Pterygium- excision & conjunctival limbal autograph/amniotic membrane graft
3.    Iris prolapse-excision surgery
4.    Glaucoma-trabeculectomy
5.    (Trauma to eye:- Injury to the eyebrow, lid, conjunctiva, sclera, and cornea- trauma repair surgery
6.    Squint surgery - Esotropia, Exotropia, Horizontal muscle resection and recession
7.    Dacryocystitis- DCT/DacryocystoRhinostomy [DCR]
8.    Cataract surgery - cataract extraction with IOL implantation surgery  
9.    Local Anesthesia in the Eye

1.    Deviated nasal septum surgery - septoplasty  
2.    Nasal polyp polypectomy
3.    Deformed nose - rhinoplasty

1.    Torn ear lobule- lobuloplasty
2.    Acute suppurative otitis media/glue ear/" secretory or serous otitis media- Myringotomy
3.    Chronicsuppurative Otitis Media- safe:-" tympanoplasty unsafe: - mastoidectomy

 *Throat diseases* 
1.    Pharynx: peritonsillar abscess - quincy, incision, and drainage; Chronic Tonsillitis - Tonsillectomy
2.    Hair lip repair

1.    Loose Tooth Extraction
2.    Carries Tooth/Teeth- Root Canal Treatment

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Vasa – Adhatoda vasica

Vasa – Adhatoda vasica / Malabar nut is one the powerful herbs used in treating asthma, bronchitis and excess mucous condition. This is so powerful an herb that there was an allopathic medicine syrup combination with Bromhexine and Vasa, marketed with the tag line – “With Vasaka effect”
But it was pulled out of the market by Indian FDA, because, no allopathic medicine can have an herb as an ingredient.

That is an altogether different story, whether FDA was right or wrong, but it clearly indicates the efficacy and fame of this wonder herb – Vasa – Malabar Nut.
Another interesting fact is that, it is coolant herb, but it is useful in respiratory tract conditions.

Botanical Name- Adhathoda vasica Nees. (Adhatoda zeylanica Medicus), Adhatoda beddomei
Family – Acanthaceae (Vasa Kula)

Adhatoda vasica Nees is accepted botanical source of Vasa throughout India. But in Kerala Adhatoda beddomei C.B.C1 is also considered as the botanical source of Vasa.

Division : Spermatophyta
Subdivision : Angiospermae (Angiosperms)
Class : Dicotyledonae (Dicotyledons)
Sub class : Gamopetalae
Series : Bicarpellate
Order (Cohort) : Personales
Family : Acanthaceae

Vernacular names
Hindi Name- Adosa, Arusha, Rus, Bansa, Adusa
English Name- Malabar Nut
Telugu Name- Addasaramu, Adamkabu, Adampaka
Bengali Name- Adulsa, Bakash,Vasok
Punjabi Name-Vamsa, Bhekkar
Marathi Name- Adulsa
Malayalam name – Adolakam
Gujarati Name- Araduso, Aradusฤซ, Adulso, Aduraspee, Bansa
Tamil Name- Eidhadad, Adathodai
Nepali name – Asuro, Kalo vasak
Persian name – Bansa
Oriya name – Basanga, Arusa, Basung
Marathi name – Adulsa, Adusa
Kannada name – Adusogae, Adu muttada soppu (the green veg that a goat never eats)
Assamese name – Titabahak, Bahak,
Konkani name – Adusoge

Sanskrit synonyms
Vasa, Vasaka, Vasika – Vasayati Acchadayati – the herb which is thick and spreads its branches to create shade area
Simhi, Simhasya – the flower resembles the mouth of lion
Vajidanta – the flowers are as white as teeth of horse
Vrisha, Vrusha – Varshati Madhu – flowers attract bees
Atarusha, Atarooshaka
Bhishagatma – mother medicine

Classical categorization
Classical Categorization of Vasa
Charaka—Tikta Skandha – Bitter tasting group of herbs
Vagbhata- Durvadi Gana

In Brihatrayees VASA varieties is not mentioned and in Bhavaprakasha Nighantu namely he has mentioned two types
Shweta – white
Krishna/Asthiparni – black varieyty

Medicinal qualities
Malabar nut – Vasaka – Medicinal qualities:
Rasa (taste) – Tikta (bitter), Kashaya (astringent)
Guna (qualities) – Laghu (light), Rooksha (dryness)
Vipaka – Katu – undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion
Veerya – Sheeta – cold potency
Karma- Balances Kapha and Pitta

Part used, dosage
Part Used- Leaf, Root, Flower, Whole plant
Vasaka Dose –
Leaf Juice – 10-20 ml;
Root decoction 40-80 ml; flower juice- 10-20 ml
Leaf dry powder – 1 – 3 grams, once or twice a day
Vasa Putapaka Swarasa – Juice extract by Putapaka method – 24 – 48 ml, once or twice a day
Vasa Ghrita – herbal ghee – 5 – 10 grams once or twice a day before food or as directed by Ayurveda doctor.

Malabar Nut – Adhatoda – uses
The flower –
Balances Kapha and Pitta.
It is bitter, coolant and pungent.
Kshaya – useful in chronic respiratory tract infections,
Kasa – useful in cold and cough.
It is useful to relieve burning urination

The whole plant –
Asrajit – useful in bleeding disorders, detoxifies blood
Kshaya – useful in chronic respiratory tract infections,
Kasa – useful in cold and cough.
Chardi – useful in vomiting
Kushta -useful in skin disorders
Jwara – useful in fever
Trut, Trushna – useful in excessive thirst
Hrudya – acts as cardiac tonic,
Svarya – good for throat
Shwasahara – useful in asthma, chronic bronchitits
Mehahara – Useful in urinary tract disorders, diabetes
Aruchi – useful in anorexia
Raktapitta – useful in bleeding disorders
Kaamala – useful in jaundice and liver disorders.
Of all the herbs useful in bleeding disorders, Vasa is the best.
Its leaves are made into paste and applied to relieve inflammation, pain, rheumatoid arthritis, worm infested wounds and skin disorders.
It acts as diuretic.

Side effects
People with diabetes should use this medicine with care, because it helps to reduce blood sugar levels. Hence, the dose needs to be calibrated diligently.
It is safe to use in children above 1 year of age.
It is best to avoid in pregnancy. Can be used in lactation, under medical supervision.

Interaction with medicines, supplements
Can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?
Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.

Can this medicine be continued while taking supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids etc?
Yes. Generally, this product goes well with most of the dietary supplements. However, if you are taking more than one product per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.

With western medicines
Seek your doctor’s advice if you are taking this product along with other western (allopathic / modern) medicines. Some Ayurvedic herbs can interact with modern medicine.
If both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are advised together, then it is best to take Allopathic medicine first, wait for 30 minutes and then take the Ayurvedic medicine.

Found throughout India, Usually grown on beside compounds

Chemical constituents
Adhatoda vasica chemical Constituents
Vasicine (peganine), Vasicinine, B- Sitosterol, Kaempferol, 3- Sophoroside, Luteolin, Tritriacontane, Adhatodic acid, Carotene, Vasakin, Vasicinol 1= q- Hydroxyvasicinine, Vasicinone, Vit –C, vasicol. Vasicinol, Vaicinolone, Adhatodine, Adhavasinone, Anisotine, Vasicolone, Vasicolinone etc.
(Reference: Illustrated Dravyaguna Vijnana, Vol. II, by Dr JLN Shastry)

Antimicrobial activity against clinical pathogens
Anti ulcer activity
Hepatoprotective activity of Vasaka
Anti oxidant and antimicrobial activity

Ayurvedic Home remedies
For Laryngitis – hoarse voice – 1 teaspoon of juice of Vasaka is administered along with 2 teaspoons of honey, twice a day after food for 1 week time.

Use in Rasashastra
Uses in Rasashastra – metallic Ayurvedic medicines:
Vasaka is used in the process of purification of Vimala (Iron pyrite). Vimala is tied in a pack and sudation (Swedana) is given with the leaf juice extract of Vasaka for 3 hours.

Ayurveda medicines
Ayurveda medicine with Vasaka as ingredient:
Vasarishta – used in cold, cough and asthma
Mathala rasayanam – indicated in almost all the conditions in which malabar nut is indicated.
Maha Vishagarbh Tail – Used in sciatica, stiffness and tetanus

Special Ayurvedic medicines of Vasa

Charaka Samhita
Atarushadi kwatha – Raktapitta – C.Chi.4/65
Vasa ghrita Gulma, Jwara C.Chi.5/126-127
Kanakabindvarishta Kusta C.Chi.7/76-79
Mahakhadiradi ghrita Kusta C.Chi.7/152-156
Chandanadya ghrita Grahani C.Chi.15/125-128
Amrita ghrita Visha C.Chi.23/243
Vrushamuladi taila Vata vyadhi C.Chi.28/170
Triphaladi kalka Vatashonita C.Chi.29/152
Vrushakadi choorna Yonivyapat C.Chi.30/56
Mahatiktaka ghrita Kusta, Jwara C.Chi.7/144-150

Sushruta Samhita
Vasadi Kashaya Vata vyadi Su.Su.4/30

Astanga Hridaya
Vasa ghirta Raktapitta, Jwara A.H.Chi.2/40
Duralabharista Arsha A.H.Chi.8/70
Vrsadi ghirta Kasa, Jwara A.H.Chi.3/162
Chandanadi ghrita Grahani dosa A.H.Chi.10/42
Mahatiktaka ghrita Kushta A.H.Chi.19/9
Vajaraka ghrita Kushta, Jwara A.H.Chi.19/18
Patoladi ghrita Vruna, Jwara A.H.K.13/6-9

Astanga Sangraha
Vasa ghrita Raktapitta, Jwara A.S.Chi.3/63
Duralabh Arista Arsha A.S.Chi.10/20
Mahatikta ghirta Kushta A.S.Chi.21/4
Maha triphala ghrita Timira pratisweda A.S.U.16/14
Patoladi ghrita Timira pratisweda A.S.U.16/7-10

Sarangadhara Samhita
Vasakadi swarasa Raktapitta, Jwara Sh.S.Mk.1/8
Vasaputapaka Raktapitta, Jwara Sh.S.Mk.1/34
Bunimbadi kwatha Kapha jwara Sh.S.Mk.2/19
Panchakamaha kwatha Vishama jwara Sh.S.Mk.2/51
Devadaru churna Vhaturtaka jwara Sh.S.Mk.2/58
Panhatikta ghirta Vishama jwara Sh.S.Mk.9/91
Devadarvyadi rasa Prameha Sh.S.Mk.10/53

Duralabhadi kwatha Jwara (Pittaja) Chakradatta.1/84
Triphala kwatha Kaphaja jwara Chakradatta.1/107
Vasa swarasa Jwara (Kaphapitta) Chakradatta.1/127
Vasadya ghrita Jwara Chakradatta.1/258
Panchatikta ghirta Kushta Chakradatta.50/99
Vasa guggulu Amlapitta Chakradatta.52/13
Eladi kwatha Ashmari Chakradatta.34/32
Pancha kasaya Vamana prakarna Chakradatta.70/10
Guduchyadipancha ghrita Jwara Chakradatta.1/260

Guduchyadi kwatha Jwaradikar B.P.Mk.8,1/358
Kshudradi kwatha Jwaradikara B.P.Mk.8,1/660
Danyadi hima Raktapittadikara B.P.Mk.8, 9/23
Vasavakha Rajayakshmadikara B.P.Mk.8,11/55
Pipplyadi kwatha Kasa roga B.P.Mk.8, 12/26
Patoladi kwatha Jwara B.P.Mk.8, 1/835

Microneedle Bandage to Detect Malaria in Minutes

⚕️Researchers at Rice University have developed a microneedle patch (bandage) to rapidly detect malaria in interstitial fluid. 
๐Ÿ‘‰This patch can be applied on the skin like a bandage and then obtain a result in just 20 minutes. This technology is low-cost and requires no expertise to utilize.

▪️Malaria is a significant killer in many parts of the world where access to medical services is limited or non-existent. ▪️Obtaining a laboratory-based malaria diagnosis is challenging or impossible for many people living in such regions. 

▪️Low-cost, point-of-care diagnostic alternatives are needed in such conditions, and this latest technology may fulfill the criteria.

๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍⚕️How it works?

Containing a 4 x 4 array of hollow microneedles, the patch gently penetrates the skin when applied and draws interstitial fluid inside itself, where an antibody-based lateral-flow test strip detects protein biomarkers of malaria. 

The device provides an easy to read visual results in about 20 minutes in the form of colored strips, similar to a pregnancy test.

At only 375 microns wide, the microneedles are truly tiny and do not cause significant pain on insertion. They are hydrophilic and can easily draw interstitial fluid into the device. 

It doesn’t feel painful than a finger prick or a blood draw and less painful than getting a splinter.

Interestingly, this bandage may also be useful in detecting other diseases, including COVID-19. 

However, this study is focused on malaria detection, but this technology can be adapted to detect other diseases for which biomarkers appear in interstitial fluid.

⚕️The researchers estimate that the device is affordable. Its appearance as a bandage makes the patch more relatable to the general public and less daunting for non-clinical users, and less scary for the patients getting screened.⚕️

Friday, November 20, 2020

Age Spots

Age spots are also known as liver spots, sun spots and are brown, flat discolourations of the skin, which usually occur on the face, hands and the neck. In most cases, these spots are aggravated with exposure to the sun. They also occur when the liver becomes overwhelmed with toxins and age spots begin to develop on the surface of the skin.

Luckily, the first signs and appearances of these age spots can be easily remedied and treated with the help of simple Ayurvedic Treatment. Let us now look at some effective Ayurvedic Treatment for age spots.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Age Spots

Apple Cider Vinegar

When both apple cider vinegar and the juice of an onion are rubbed on these age spots, the acidic effects of the onion and the vinegar helps to lighten these age spots.

Take one part of apple cider vinegar and one part of onion juice and dab it directly on the age spots. You can also dilute the apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and drink this concoction once daily for a smooth and age spot free skin.

Aloe Vera

The juice of aloe Vera is also said to be effective in the treatment of age spots. Many people have found it effective in reducing the appearance of age spots. Simply rub and dab the juice of aloe Vera plant directly on the age spots. You should see considerable and visible improvements in the next few months.

Lime Juice

Another exceptional home remedy is the use of lime juice for treatment of age spots, tanning and blemishes. Squeeze the juice of a lime and directly apply it to the age spots. If the juice is very potent, you can dilute it with some curd and then apply it on the face. The curd will leave your skin soft and lime juice will help to fade the age spots.

Castor Oil

Castor oil is believed to be an effective home cure for age spots. Rub some castor oil on the age spots occurring on the face and the neck. You can gently massage this oil so that it seeps well into the skin. Do this every morning and evening for best results.

Eat a Potassium Rich Diet

Your diet can affect the severity and the spread of age spots. Make sure you take in a diet that is rich in potassium. Some of the potassium rich foods are bananas, cantaloupes, kiwi fruit, avocadoes , figs, dates and melons to name a few. By taking a diet that is rich in these foods, you will be minimizing the outbreak of incidences of age spots.

Orange Juice

Orange juice has vitamin C that is said to be effective against age spots. Rub some orange juice directly on the affected areas of the skin. This will help to lighten the age spots.

Protect Your Skin from the Sun

Since age spots tend to get aggravated by the sun, make sure you keep your skin well protected even while you are at home. Apply sunscreen after every two hours because the sun can penetrate your windows and curtains.

Organic buttermilk

See if you can procure organic buttermilk at home. Now apply this buttermilk on the various age spots on your face and neck. Buttermilk has lactic acid in it, which helps to restore and rejuvenate the skin and make it healthier in the process.

Chickpea Paste

Soak some chickpeas. Boil and mash them and apply the chickpea paste on your face. Leave it on the face for 30 minutes and allow it to dry before washing it off completely.


Dandelion root is said to be very good for the complexion and helps to reduce burn marks and sun spots. Break off the stem of the dandelion root and rub the sap of the root on your face. Pure dandelion sap helps to clear the dead and dried skin cells of the face and leaves your face looking clear and radiant.

Rosemary Essential Oil

Use rosemary essential oil on your face to get rid of age spots. Take some rosemary essential oil and

mix it well with lemon juice and vinegar. Now massage your face well with this mixture. Wash off with warm water later on. Do this twice everyday for best results.

Drink Enough Water

Along with any home remedy for age spots, it is also necessary to drink a lot of water throughout the day. Water will help to flush out the toxins from the body and is good for any or all possible skin problems and ailments.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is available at home and can be used as a facial bleach to get rid of age spots. Apply diluted hydrogen peroxide directly on your face with the help of a cotton swab. This helps to reduce and lighten the age spots after use for a few weeks.

Sandalwood Paste and Rose Water

Make a paste of sandalwood powder and rose water. Now apply this paste all over your face and leave it on to dry. Once it has dried completely, wash it off. You can do this twice every week for best results.


Tomatoes are an age old home remedy for treatment of age spots. Rub some ripe tomatoes on your age spots. The juice of a tomato helps to lighten and remove tans, pigmentations and age spots.

Eat More of Fruits and Vegetables

Make sure you eat a diet that is high on fruits and vegetables. The vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables help to restore the natural texture and smoothness of the skin. They also moisturize because they are high in natural water content.

These simple and effective Ayurvedic Treatment are very good in removing and eradicating age spots. Besides this, you should exercise and eat healthy. Eliminate unhealthy lifestyle practices like smoking, drinking and taking drugs, which all do untold damage to the skin. Keep stress at bay by practicing yoga and meditation. All of these will work together to give you a clear complexion.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

๐Ÿ’†‍♂️ เค…เคญ्เคฏंเค— เค•ा เคฆिเคจเคšเคฐ्เคฏा เคฎें เคฎเคนเคค्เคต ๐Ÿ’†‍♂️

๐Ÿ”นAbhyanga is an important therapeutic method and is most commonly used pancakarma therapy for both healthy and those with disease.
๐Ÿ”นAyurvedic massage therapy is not just the simple application of oil and massage as it is understood by most people it involves therapeutic consideration such as prakruti,dosha,dhatu.

Anointing the body with oil,ghee etc called as Abhyanga.Generally simple or medicated oil are extensively used ; ghrita is used occasionally whereas other sneha are rarely used.

1. เคธंเคตเคนเคจ - whole body massage
2. เค•ेเคถ เคฎเคฐ्เคฆเคจ - head massage
3. เค‰เคค्เคธाเคฆเคจ - massage with kalka


a.jarahar - prevents and correct ageing process
b.sramhara - it helps a person to overcome fatigue due to hard work.
c.vatahara - it correct and prevention disorders caused by affliction of vata.
d.drishti prasad kara - it promotes eyesight.
e.pushtikara - it help in nourishment of body.
f.Ayushkara - it promotes longetivity because of improvement in the function of vital organ.
g.svapnakar - it helps the individual to get sleep.
h.tvak dard'hyakara - it promotes sturdiness of an individual.
i.klesa sahatva - capability to tolerate the stress and strains of life.
j.varna bala prada - improve the colour of the skin.


Friday, September 11, 2020

How to treat Misbalanced thyroid with Ayurveda!

✓The disorders of thyroid affect the thyroid gland and its metabolic functions.
✴️Thyroid regulates many hormones.
✴️Thyroid misbalance can be caused as- ✓Hypothyroidism and ✓Hyperthyroidism
๐ŸŸก What are the symptoms of Hypothyroidism?
✓Aches and Body pain
✓Hoarseness of voice
✓Irregular menstruation
✓Dry skin

๐ŸŸข How can we cure it!
๐Ÿ”ถFood habits and lifestyle should be corrected.
๐Ÿ”ถHeavy food should be avoided.
๐Ÿ”ถ Reason can be impaired digestion (เค…เค—्เคจिเคฎांเคง) and เค…เคœीเคฐ्เคฃ so they should be avoided.
๐Ÿ”ถ Swedan can be used.
๐Ÿ”ถ Some panchkarma can be performed like Shirodhara, Nasya, Udvartana, Vaman, Virechan, Basti.

๐Ÿ’ก Some herbs that can be used:-
1) Kanchanar Guggul, Manasmitra
2) Varunadi kashay, Punarnavadi kashay
3) Triphla guggul, Musta, Saraswatha grutha
These are the main drugs.

๐ŸŸก What are the symptoms of Hyperthyroidism?
✓Frequent bowel movement
✓Rapid heart rate
❗ Foods like alcohol meat and dairy products should be avoided.
✴️ It also has the symptoms of Pittaj pandu and Pittaj grahani.

๐ŸŸข Now let's see the treatment:-
๐Ÿ”ถ Use Sugarcane, Old ghee, Barley, Sweet food and these are Lot beneficial.
๐Ÿ”ถ Excessive spicy and salty food, Alcohol, Smoking should be avoided.

๐Ÿ’ก Some herbal drugs that can be given are:-
1)Vidaryadi Kashay
2)Drakshadi Kashay
3)Kshirbala Tailam
4)Mahatikta Ghritam

Hope it helps you!


Wednesday, September 9, 2020


Pizhichil treatment holds great importance in the field of Ayurveda. It can offer you the best mental and physical healing. In this kind of treatment, a uniform stream of herbal oil or pure ghee is poured over the body. This gives a perfect vibe of mental and physical healing to your body.

This kind of treatment is also known as Sarvanga dhara in which a warm stream of oil or ghee is poured all over the human body. Here the stream of oils is poured continuously to give more benefits to you. The Pizhichil procedure has two classic treatments that are based on the concept of Ayurveda. They are known as Sneha and Swedana therapy. These two procedures involve giving sudation, inducing of sweat and fomentation. In this procedure, pure ghee and herbal oils are poured over the entire human body in the form of a continuous stream. You will need to get this procedure under the guidance of an experienced ayurvedic physician then only you will get positive results.

If you undergo Pizhichil procedure then it will improve the circulation of blood throughout your body. It will also give more strength to your immune system. You will also remain away from many other diseases with this Ayurveda procedure.


What are the benefits of Pizhichil treatment?

  • Pizhichil relieves body pain and muscle spasms.
  • This helps in the healing of fractured bones.
  • This increases immunity and prolongs lifespan.
  • It gives development to the human body.
  • It gives improvement to the complexion of your skin.
  • It gives anti-ageing benefits to persons undertaking it.
  • It improves the circulation of blood in your body.
  • It helps in diabetes, hypertension, effective in asthma and even in tuberculosis in early stages.
  • This therapy gives a feeling of relaxation and mental soothing.
  • Pizhichil promotes an ideal healthy body.
  • It cures burning sensation in the human body.
  • It gives rejuvenates your mind and body in a perfect way.
Duration1 hr
Cost1800 INR

How can Marma(Ancient therapy) Heal your body and mind??

๐ŸŸขWhat are Marma?
✓They are pressure points identified in Ayurveda which can unlock your body's power and potential.
✓when Marma are gently stimulated it brings a tremendous sense of Peace and Wellness.

๐ŸŸก Marma means sensitive, mortal and vulnerable.
✓They are the hidden vital points.
✓They are present at the junction of muscles, ligaments, bones, joints, tendons and nerves.
✓They may be inside or on the surface of body.
✓They carry the Prana of our body.

✴️ In Marma chikitsa a gentle pressure is given on these vital points and then they allowed to freely flow energy and prana.
✴️ It is Acupressure of Ayurveda.

๐ŸŸก Its benefits:-
✓If Marma points are stimulated then the benefit body, mind and spirit.
✓In mind; it enhances the consciousness, concentration and balances the gunas.
✓In body; it relaxes the muscles, makes hormones and digestion balanced, revitalizes organs.
✓It helps to release the stress which is caused by overuse or misuse of senses.

๐ŸŸก How does it works?
✓It has amazing effects on People!
✓It melts away all the tension and stress.
✓Marma therapy is safe for all ages.
✓It is even beneficial in anxiety attacks, insomnia, trauma, injury, surgery and other conditions.
✓Even for the doctor it is a very meditative process.
✓Ayurveda always helps you to achieve a state of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual harmony.

๐Ÿ’ก Blessing you with the harmonious life!


Saturday, September 5, 2020

๐Ÿฉบ Manage high blood pressure with Natural herbs ๐Ÿ’‰๐ŸŽš️

๐Ÿ’ Ayurvedic Point of View on High Blood Pressure:

Ayurvedic Treatment for High Blood Pressure – Ayurveda suggested different names to demonstrate the high blood pressure such as Uch raktachap, Raktagata vata, Rakta sampida, Rakta vriddhi, Rakta chapa, Dhamani pratichaya, Raktavata, etc.

In Ayurveda, the process of blood pressure can be understood by functions of Prana vayu, Vyana vayu, Sadhaka pitta, Avalambaka kapha, Rasa, and Rakta dhatu which are situated in Hridya (heart).

According to Ayurvedic Acharyas, vitiation of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha (primordial factors), asthi, meda, etc., affects the pressure of blood, and therefore, Kapha dosha vitiation (avalambaka kapha) increases cardiac strength, further vitiated Pitta (sadhak pitta) and Vata (vyan vata) dosha increases the level of blood and resu lts into high blood pressure.

If a person starts taking Ayurvedic treatment for Blood Pressure in the initial stage, the condition can be cured and a person can prevent their body from various complications.

Pathogenesis of High Blood Pressure:

Ayurvedic Treatment for High Blood Pressure – Excessive intake of salt, oily, fried diet, daytime sleep, high consumption of alcohol, mental stress leads to vitiation of Avalambaka kapha and psychological stress includes aggravation of Prana vayu. Later on, prana vayu affects the Hridya (heart) and Avalambaka kapha induces exaggerated contractility of the heart, while aggravated vyana vayu increases gati (speed), the force of ejection of blood from the heart.

Al these causes result in forceful expulsion of blood through blood vessels (dhamanis), and ultimately lead to increased resistance in vessels which cause High blood pressure.

The involvement of mind factors also plays an important role in causing high blood pressure. The disturbed or imbalanced Raja and Tama bhava’s (the mind factors that responsible for morbidity), definitely contribute to the pathogenesis of blood high pressure.

But, by using Ayurvedic treatment for High blood pressure, a person can overcome the associated symptoms and also provide proper nutrition and strength to the heart.

Causes of High Blood Pressure According to Ayurveda:

In Ayurveda texts, there are many predisposing factors that are responsible for high blood pressure, these are:

  • Seasonal variations (ritu sandhi)
  • Physical strain (shrama)
  • Excess salt intake (lavan)
  • Excess Alcohol intake (madhyapana)
  • Sedentary lifestyle (divaswap, alasaya)
  • Hridroga (heart disease)
  • Vrika roga (renal disease)
  • Madhumeha (diabetes)
  • Obesity (sthoulaya).

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure According to Ayurveda:

High blood pressure is asymptomatic in most of the cases, but the common symptoms are:

  • Stupor (moorcha)
  • Vomiting (klama)
  • Raised body temperature (jwara)
  • Irritability (krodhaprachurta)
  • Dizziness (shirobhram)
  • Urinary symptoms (rakt ameha)
  • Headache (shirorukh)
  • Focal neurological signs (ardita)
  • Visual disturbances (akshiraga)
  • Tiredness (shrama)

Dietary and Lifestyle Changes for High Blood Pressure:

Ayurvedic Treatment for High Blood Pressure – Along with the Ayurvedic treatment of High blood pressure, if a person can take a healthy diet and lifestyle it plays an important role in maintaining high blood pressure.

To keep stay and healthy every individual should adopt these precautions:

  • A person can take a high amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, include nuts, beans, fish, etc. Also include garlic, flax seeds, celery, carrot, watermelon, black plum, flax seeds oil, olive oil, tulsi tea, ginger cardamom tea, orange juice, coconut water, almond, walnut, pomegranate, have less of sugar-sweetened beverages and foods, etc.
  • Do exercises and yoga daily for about 30-40 minutes. A person can do aerobic exercises like jogging, swimming, cycling, walking, etc.
  • Don’t suppress natural urges or reflexes like thirst, defecation, urination, sleep, hunger, etc.
  • Avoid taking foods and activities which disturb the balance or equilibrium of 3 doshas (vata, pitta, and kapha). Every individual should take a balanced diet, healthy and fresh fruits and vegetables. Strictly avoid the use of hot, dry, oily, fried, stale, preserved and packed foods, sour, salty, spicy, and heavy foods that are unable to digest properly.
  • Stop Smoking and Alcohol – Smoking, alcohol, and other types of addiction are the most significant risk factors for heart diseases because these drugs contain harmful chemicals that may responsible for atherosclerosis.
  • Reduce mental stress – Stress and other emotional conditions might be a great risk factor to cause high blood pressure. Chronic stress exposes your body to unhealthy, leads to elevated levels of hormones like adrenaline and cortisol which increases the risk of high blood pressure.
  • Do health screening – It is very important to keep regular health check-ups or screening by some simple parameters such as measuring blood pressure regularly and a blood test for KFT, LFT, Blood sugar, lipid profile, etc.
  • Maintain a healthy weight – Overweight or obese can increase the risk of hypertension and can lead to secondary diseases also. Losing your weight through a heart-healthy diet and increased physical activity can help in lowering your blood pressure.
  • Avoid hyperactivity, overexertion, anger, anxiety, etc.

Friday, September 4, 2020

⚕️Remedies for Constipation๐Ÿšฝ

Today's Lifestyle comes with a bundle of Health Problems.
So, As we talk about Constipation its not just a disease it has lots of more symptoms.
✓Some of them are: 1) Dullness
                                 2) Bad Breath
                                 3) Acne
                                 4)Mood swings
                                 5) Headache
๐ŸŸก What is the cause of Constipation:-
✴️ It is a Result of indigestion and as a result the feces accumulated in intestine.
✴️in this condition Vata increases and creates stomach pain and rise in thirst.
✴️ You have to follow proper lifestyle to clean the intestine.

๐Ÿ”ด Lack of movement:- you should take walks and have exercise more often. you should take a walk after dinner and it's a must!
๐Ÿ”ด Less intake of water:- food inside our Gut needs water and mucous to move and if you drink less water you feel like constipated.
๐Ÿ”ด Improper diet:- if you eat packaged food, meat, alcohol and eat excess of dairy products which lack fibres then you are prone to constipation.

๐ŸŸก Now I will be providing you some natural Remedies:-

๐Ÿ’ก Take Sneha In:- Take one teaspoon of ghee with warm milk at bedtime.
✓It will lubricate your gut and will help you to pass the stool very smoothly.
✓You may use coconut oil or olive oil.

๐Ÿ’กFibres:- consume fibrous vegetables and fruits for example it leafy vegetables they help in binding of feces and clean the gut.

๐Ÿ’ก Triphala can be your friend! :- use one fourth teaspoon triphala churan with half teaspoon of coriander seeds and have one fourth cardamom and grind them and use twice a day.

๐Ÿ’ก Liquorice can help! :- Mulethi promotes Bowel movement you may also use powder of liquorice root.

I hope it will relieve your problem!
Happy Helping!๐Ÿ˜Š


❗Diabetes prevention ❗

Diabetes is not a disease but a lifestyle disorder. 

Western system or system of medicine has convinced that diabetes mellitus is a disease. 

The change in the insulin levels result in two kinds of disorders that are associated with diabetes. 

1 . Type – 1 Diabetes – Your immune system attacks the cells inside the pancreas responsible for producing insulin. As a result, you don’t produce insulin. 

2. Type – 2 Diabetes – Your body doesn’t use the insulin produced by your pancreas. As a result, the glucose produced by the insulin is stored in the blood cells only and there is a top sugar level in your blood. 

Both the conditions cause complications and chronic diseases. Now diabetes is not risky, but the diseases that diabetes brings to your body can be lethal. WHO has announced diabetes is an epidemic condition—7th reason for the deaths around the world because of health risks

Is there a cure for diabetes?

When you say cure, it means you are trying to reverse the damages that has occurred in your body because of the condition. In the western system of medicine, there have been so a good deal of research studies and reports on diabetes cure. 

Understand that you should not cure diabetes but adjust your insulin to a normal level based on your body. Insulin gives glucose (the energy molecules) to your cells and they help you function. If you have a lifestyle that dissipates this energy in your body, then your insulin level differs from the other person

◾reasons for diabetes?

Lifestyle is the primary reason for diabetes. Insulin is an enzyme, and the secretion of it depends on the body’s metabolism. 

The metabolism depends on the food, sleep and physical activity of an individual. Let’s say you eat so much deep fried chicken, your body will face a lot of internal inflammation because of the excessive AGE molecule present in the fried chicken. 

Another major reason for diabetes is hereditary. They occur because your great-great-grandfather had an abnormal insulin level. 

The abnormal insulin level will not kill you, but it affects the other parts of the body and that results in risky health conditions. So, if you correct your food and lifestyle diabetes complications become lesser and sugar level is normal. 

There are four lifestyle habits which cause high risk to become diabetic and develop many complications at a younger age.

Skipping Breakfast 

When you are running late to the office in the morning, you skip breakfast and rush with a cup of coffee. If you don’t break the fasting in the morning by sending some calories to your body, there occurs a chain reaction in your body which leads to disrupted insulin secretion. This bad habit will affect the sugar level in your blood and the chances of getting TYPE-2 Diabetes is high. 

Packaged beverages & food 

The packaged foods are ultra-processed and they have a tendency to disturb the cellular structure. A disturbed cell molecule brings abnormal insulin secretion. The chemical constituents present in the ultra processed beverages like sodas, soft drinks and carbonated drinks damages the cell’s functioning level. Also, the preservatives added in these packed containers can create an overeating pattern in your body. The packaged food contains trans-fat which increases the risk of cholesterol level in blood and that causes the risk of type-2 diabetes 

Sleep Deprivation 

According to the National Sleep Foundation, “In fact, sleep deprivation is an often overlooked but significant risk factor for type 2 diabetes, a disease that involves too much glucose (or sugar) in the blood and increases the risk of heart disease.”

Inadequate sleep leads to an increase in junk food, carbohydrates and sugar cravings. Also when there is little to minimal sleep, you are tired and prone to be less active. Your sugar level also depends on the amount of exercises you can do. 

Emotional Stress 

Stress and diabetes have a powerful link to each other. A diabetic person cannot experience stress and consecutive distress can lead to disrupted hormone levels, disturbing the functioning of insulin. Stress can activate the hypothalamus pituitary-adrenal axis and central nervous system. This brings either a high or low level of cortisol and sex hormones which plays a huge role in affecting the insulin in the blood. Avoiding stressful circumstances can lower your chances of becoming diabetic. 


Understanding what you do wrong is more important than finding a solution. Forming recent habits to change your lifestyle starts from breaking the bad ones first. 

It is always easy to stick to the don’ts first before you take upon your do’s. If you have any of these awful lifestyle habits, it leads to a high risk of developing complications of diabetes. 


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

◾12 Benefits of a Panchakarma Cleanse ◾

According to the ancient texts, here are the twelve benefits to a yearly Panchakarma Cleanse:

  1. Restores youth: Notice those who regularly perform Panchakarma, good chances are you won't be able to tell their age.

  2. Removes mental and physical fatigue. Once the vata, pitta and kapha are balanced, the mind and the body feels lighter and energetic. I do not eat as much as I used to and have much more energy.

  3. Reduces perturbed Vata. The generous oil massages, steaming and internal medications help reduce vata. Pertrubed vata can lead to joint issues and arthritis, just like lack of lubrication leads to squeaky joints in machinery. My joints are noticeably more supple and flexible.

  4. Improves eyesight. My eye sight is pretty bad to begin with (-8 and -9), I have not seen any changes in my sight but my eyes are certainly not as dry as before.

  5. Increases strength. My body is noticeably stronger. I am able to lift my daughter, do shoulder stands and lift heavy furniture without strain or fatigue.

  6. Longevity. I plan to do a panchakarma every year, we will see about longevity. Its not hard to believe.

  7. Promotes good sleep. This has certainly been my experience once the soothing Pizhichil massage was done.

  8. Tone the skin. My extremely dry skin has somewhat calmed down. I continue to have an oil bath at night, as was prescribed by my physician.

  9. Tolerance against injuries. It has been a month since my Panchakarma, I have not noticed anything particular but usually, I am always bumping into things and have bruises on me. I don't see any sore spots on my body.

  10. Protection from wind and phlegm related diseases: I have not caught a cold yet inspite of shifting my home, having major stressors in my significant relationships and embarking on this new purpose. I normally do fall sick when stressed.

  11. Tolerance against diseases: The massages received during a panchakarma strengthen the flow of lymph, blood, tones the flesh,tendons and nerves, helps strengthen the bones, teeth and nails and improves the health of our marrow and sexual organs and fluids. My nails are noticeably clearer and my teeth are whiter.

  12. Improves skin color: I am certainly a more asthetically pleasing skin tone than before. From dark honey I have gone to a more golden tone, which I like better.


Monday, August 31, 2020

Home Remedies for Dry Cough

▪️Types and Symptoms:

Home remedies for dry cough – Dry Cough in Ayurveda known as ‘Shushka Shwasa’, and it is a very common ailment nowadays, especially in cities. But, there are multiple herbs for dry cough available in Ayurveda which is very useful in acute as well as chronic cough.

This mainly occurs when allergens or pollutants in the environment enter your throat pipe, airways, or lungs and trigger your body to cough them out. Sometimes this natural reflex causes inflammation of the respiratory tract and throat.

A person can experience some signs and symptoms such as frequent dry cough, sputum production, irritability, dryness in the mouth, sore throat, tiredness, difficulty in swallowing food.

‘Kasa’ term is used for cough in Ayurveda. It is a condition when Prana Vayu is obstructed due to some causative agents. Regular intake of causative factors will affect the movements of Vayu and produces different sounds.

There are mainly five types of Kasa mentioned in Ayurveda named as Vataj, Pittaj, Kaphaja, Kshataja, and Kshayaja.

๐Ÿ”นAccording to the Ayurveda, the Respiratory system is governed by Prana Vayu and Udana Vayu and if a person suffering from dry cough then it is termed as ‘Vataja Kasa’.


๐Ÿ”ธCausative Factors of Vataja Kasa Are Given Below:

Pramitashana (food intake in less quantity)
Stree vegadharana (excess indulgence in sexual activities)
Aayasa (excessive physical strain)
Ruksha sheeta kashatya anna sevan (intake of excess cold, astringent food)
Vegadharana (suppression of natural urges)
Dhooma (smoke, smokers cough)
Diwaswapana (daytime sleeping)
Raja (dust)
Ativyayama (excess exercise, beyond your capacity)
Langhan (fasting)


▪️Signs and Symptoms of Vataja Kasa:

Swara bheda (excess hoarseness of voice)

Hrushtalomnah (fainting)

Hrit parshva uru shira shula (pain occur in the cardiac region, sides of the chest, mild headache)

Daurbalya (weakness)

Nirghosha dainyastanana (hollow sound occurs during coughing)

Kapham sushka (semi-solid phlegm comes out with pain)

Urdhava vata jirne anna (upward movement of vayu)

Snigdh amla lavana bhukta (cough gets aggravated by sour, saline, unctuous food and drinks)


▪️Ayurvedic Classical Medicines for Dry Cough:

Ayurvedic Acharyas suggest some of the classical medicines that cure the dry cough naturally such as Kantakari avaleha, Chandramrit rasa, Sameerpannaga rasa, Pipplayadi ghrita, Rasna ghrita, Talshadi churna, Kantakari ghrita, etc.

Also, there are some procedures mentioned in the Ayurveda texts that are very beneficial to overcome the symptoms and make the respiratory system so strong that a person can easily fight with seasonal ailments. The most common and effective procedures are given below:

A person can do Abhyanga on the chest to bring dosha’s to the koshta

Apply sesame oil on the chest, upper back, and the neck

Apply hot fermentation by a placed wet towel or erand patra closed to the chest

Do practice of Anulomana

Do Snaihik dhoompana


Tired of Seeing Pillow full of Hairs Every Morning? I've got something for you from Ayurveda! BLOG ON HAIRFALL.

✓First of all let me tell you that each and every person experiences some hair fall but if you lose hundreds of strands a day that's absolutely not normal!
✓As Ayurveda teaches you the "Art of living" so here's something to resolve your problem!
๐ŸŸก Let's talk about its common causes:-
✓Main reason is Stress, Anxiety and Tension.
✓Inadequate Sleep and Rest.
Pollution may result in hair fall too.
Irregular lifestyle is undoubtedly one of the cause.
๐ŸŸก Know your problem according to Ayurveda:-
✴️ If there is an imbalance in เคตाเคค เคฆोเคท in your body, then your Hairs become excessive dry brittle and frizzy .
✴️ If you have imbalance in เคชिเคค्เคค เคฆोเคท then your hair become thin and premature greying starts and may lead to balding.
✴️ If you have imbalance in เค•เคซ เคฆोเคท then the pores of your scalp become blocked and scalp become extremely oily and finally lead to hair fall
๐ŸŸก Now! Some remedies from Ayurveda to cure it:
1)Herbs :- Some main herbs that can cure it are Aloe Vera, Amla, Fenugreek, Coconut oil & Til.
✓They may be applied at head or may be consumed.
2)Shirodhara :- It is a process in which warm oils are poured onto your head and then massaged.
✓It increases blood circulation in the scalp and hence helps in better growth of hair.
3) Shiro-abhyanga :- you may use some oils like coconut oil and Til to massage your scalp.
✓It helps to nourish your hair and hair follicles and prevent hair loss.
✓It enhances blood circulation.
✓You may also use Brahmi and Bhringraja taila if available; it produces tremendous results.
4) Shirolepa :- Some hair packs may be also used for fast results.
✓Use Besan, Lemon and Coconut water and make a paste and put it on your hair for some hours and then wash your hairs.
✓You may also use Amla hair pack it nourishes your hair and side-by-side cleanse your scalp as it is packed with vitamin C.
๐Ÿ’ก Some tips from my personal experiences :-
✓Wake your empty stomach with copper charged water in morning to prevent hair fall.
✓Chew curry leaves whenever you feel comfortable.
✓Get proper amount of sleep at night.
✓Drink lots of water.
Hope It helps you!
happy Helping!


Friday, August 28, 2020

Modern and ayurvedic names of bones (เค…เคธ्เคฅि) By - Darshan Sonawane

Clavicle - เค…เค•्เคทเค•ाเคธ्เคฅि
Scapula - เค…ंเคธเคซเคฒเค• 
Humerus - เคช्เคฐเค—เคฃ्เคกाเคธ्เคฅि
Ulna - เค…ंเคคः เคช्เคฐเค•ोเคท्เคŸाเคธ्เคฅि
Radius - เคฌเคนि: เคช्เคฐเค•ोเคท्เคŸाเคธ्เคฅि
Carpel bones - เคชाเคจिเค•ुเคฐ्เคšाเคธ्เคฅि
Metacarpals - เค•เคฐांเค—ुเคฒीเคฎुเคฒाเคถ्เคฒाเค•ाเค
Phalanges - เค…ंเค—ुเคฒ्เคฏाเคธ्เคฅिเคฏा :
Hip bone - เคถ्เคฐोเคฃिเคซเคฒเค•
Femur - เค‰เคฐ्เคตเคธ्เคฅि
Patella - เคœाเคจु เค•เคชाเคฒिเค•ा
Tibia - เค…ंเคคः เคœंเค˜ाเคธ्เคฅि
Fibula - เคฌเคนि: เคœंเค˜ाเคธ्เคฅि
Tarsal bones - เคชाเคฆเค•ुเคฐ्เคšाเคธ्เคฅि
Metatarsals - เคชाเคฆांเค—ुเคฒीเคฎूเคฒเคถ्เคฒाเค•ाเค
Vertebrate - เค•เคถेเคฐूเค•
Ribs - เคชเคฐ्เคถुเค•ाเค
Sternum - เค‰เคฐः เคซเคฒเค•
Hyoid bone - เค•เคฃ्เค ाเคธ्เคฅि
Norma verticalis - เค•เคฐोเคŸी เคชเคŸเคฒ
Norma occipitalis - เคชเคถ्เคšिเคฎी เคฎเคฃ्เคกเคฒ
Norma lateralis - เค•เคฐोเคŸी เคชเค•्เคท
Norma frontalis - เค•เคฐोเคŸी เคฎुเค–เคฎंเคกเคฒ
Norma basalis - เค•เคฐोเคŸी เคญूเคฎिเคคเคฒ
Frontal bone - เคชुเคฐ: เค•เคชเคฒ
Parietal bone - เคชाเคฐ्เคถ्เคต เค•เคชเคฒ
Occipital bone - เคชเคถ्เคšिเคฎ เค•เคชाเคฒ
Temporal bone - เคถंเค–ाเคธ्เคฅि
Sphenoid bone - เคœเคคुเค•ाเคธ्เคฅि
Ethmoid bone - เคเคฐ्เคเคฐाเคธ्เคฅि
Mandible - เค…เคงो เคนเคจ्เคตाเคธ्เคฅि
Maxilla - เคŠเคฐ्เคง्เคต เคนเคจ्เคตाเคธ्เคฅि
Nasal bones - เคจाเคธाเคธ्เคฅि
Zygomatic bones - เค—เคฃ्เคกाเคธ्เคฅि
Lacrimal bones - เค…เคถ्เคฐूเคชिเค ाเคธ्เคฅि
Palatine bones - เคคाเคฒ्เคตाเคธ्เคฅि
Inferior nasal concha - เคถुเค•्เคคीเค•ाเคธ्เคฅि
Vomer bone - เคธीเคฐिเค•ाเคธ्เคฅि
Ear ossicles - เค•เคฐ्เคฃाเคธ्เคฅि

Thursday, August 27, 2020


Fresh Ginger

  1. Acts as an appetizer  
  2. Digests aam (deep-seated toxins) 
  3. Reduces fever 
  4. Reduces chilliness by increasing heat and circulation in the body
  5. Eliminates nausea 
  6. It’s a mild laxative

Dry Ginger

  1. Helps relieve joint pains from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
  2. Beneficial in edema and other swelling
  3. By reducing vata, it relieves pain in back or neck
  4. Stops diarrhea 
  5. Helps treat some forms of IBS, abdominal pain and hemorrhoids
  6. Reduces respiratory tract ailments such as cough, hoarseness of voice, rhinitis, asthma, etc
  7. Acts as an aphrodisiac 

  • Before meals - slice a little fresh ginger, add a sprinkle of rock salt and a squeeze of lemon or lime to enhance taste and nutrient absorption
  • Can make a paste of dry ginger and water for local application in cases of swelling or also on sinuses and forehead in cases of cold (not for those with very sensitive skin) 

Vitamin C

 เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी เคนเคฎाเคฐी เคฐोเค— เคช्เคฐเคคिเคฐोเคงเค• เค•्เคทเคฎเคคा เค•ो เคฎเคœเคฌूเคค เค•เคฐเคคा เคนै। เค‡เคธเค•े เคธेเคตเคจ เคธे เคธเคฐ्เคฆी, เค–ांเคธी เคต เค…เคจ्เคฏ เค•เคˆ เคคเคฐเคน เค•े เค‡เคจ्เคซेเค•्เคถเคจ เคนोเคจे เค•ा เค–เคคเคฐा เค•เคฎ เคนोเคคा เคนै। เคฏเคน เค•เคˆ เคคเคฐเคน เค•े เค•ैंเคธเคฐ เคธे เคญी เคฌเคšाเคต เค•เคฐเคคा เคนै। เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी เคฎें เคชाเคฏा เคœाเคจे เคตाเคฒा เคंเคŸीเค†เค•्เคธीเคกेंเคŸ เคถ्เคตेเคค เคฐूเคงिเคฐ เค•เคฃिเค•ाเค“ं เค•ो เคกैเคฎेเคœ เคนोเคจे เคธे เคฌเคšाเคคा เคนै เคœिเคธเคธे เคตो เค†เคธाเคจी เคธे เค…เคชเคจा เค•ा

เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी เคนเคฎाเคฐी เคฐोเค— เคช्เคฐเคคिเคฐोเคงเค• เค•्เคทเคฎเคคा เค•ो เคฎเคœเคฌूเคค เค•เคฐเคคा เคนै। เค‡เคธเค•े เคธेเคตเคจ เคธे เคธเคฐ्เคฆी, เค–ांเคธी เคต เค…เคจ्เคฏ เค•เคˆ เคคเคฐเคน เค•े เค‡เคจ्เคซेเค•्เคถเคจ เคนोเคจे เค•ा เค–เคคเคฐा เค•เคฎ เคนोเคคा เคนै। เคฏเคน เค•เคˆ เคคเคฐเคน เค•े เค•ैंเคธเคฐ เคธे เคญी เคฌเคšाเคต เค•เคฐเคคा เคนै। เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी เคฎें เคชाเคฏा เคœाเคจे เคตाเคฒा เคंเคŸीเค†เค•्เคธीเคกेंเคŸ เคถ्เคตेเคค เคฐूเคงिเคฐ เค•เคฃिเค•ाเค“ं เค•ो เคกैเคฎेเคœ เคนोเคจे เคธे เคฌเคšाเคคा เคนै เคœिเคธเคธे เคตो เค†เคธाเคจी เคธे เค…เคชเคจा เค•ाเคฎ เค•เคฐ เคธเค•ें เคธाเคฅ เคนी เคช्เคฐเคฆूเคทเคฃ, เคคเคจाเคต เคฏा เค–เคฐाเคฌ เค–ाเคจ-เคชाเคจ เค•ी เคตเคœเคน เคธे เคนोเคจे เคตाเคฒी เคธเคฎเคธ्เคฏा เคธे เคฌเคšाเคคा เคนै। เค†เค‡เค เคœाเคจเคคे เคนैं เค•िเคจ เคซूเคก्เคธ เคฎें เคนै เคญเคฐเคชूเคฐ เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी।

เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी เค•े เคซाเคฏเคฆे
1. เคตिเคŸाเคฎเคจ เคธी เคซ्เคฐी เคฐेเคกिเค•เคฒ्เคธ เคธे เคธुเคฐเค•्เคทा เคฆेเคคा เคนै। เคซ्เคฐी เคฐेเคกिเค•เคฒ्เคธ เคธे เคค्เคตเคšा เคชเคฐ เคœเคฒ्เคฆी เคुเคฐ्เคฐिเคฏां เคชเคก़เคจे เคฒเค—เคคी เคนैं เค”เคฐ เคถเคฐीเคฐ เค•े เค…ंเค— เคกैเคฎेเคœ เคนोเคจे เคฒเค—เคคे เคนैं เค‡เคธเคฒिเค เค†เคชเค•ो เค…เคชเคจे เค†เคนाเคฐ เคฎें เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी เคถाเคฎिเคฒ เค•เคฐเคจा เคšाเคนिเค।

2. เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी เคถเคฐीเคฐ เคฎें เค•ोเคฒोเคœเคจ เค•ा เคจिเคฐ्เคฎाเคฃ เค•เคฐเคคे เคนै เคœो เคค्เคตเคšा เค•ो เคธंเค—เค िเคค เคฌเคจाเคฏे เคฐเค–เคจे เคฎें เคฎเคฆเคฆ เค•เคฐเคคा เคนै เค”เคฐ เคค्เคตเคšा เคฎें เค•เคธाเคต เคฌเคจा เคฐเคนा เคนै เค‡เคธी เคตเคœเคน เคธे เคค्เคตเคšा เคฎें เคुเคฐ्เคฐिเคฏां เคจเคนीं เคชเคก़เคคी เคนै

3. เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी เคนเคกि्เคกเคฏों เคต เคœोเคก़ों เค•े เคจिเคฐ्เคฎाเคฃ เคฎें เคญी เคธเคนाเคฏเค• เคนै। เคฏเคน เคซेเคซเคก़ों เค•े เคธुเคšाเคฐू เคฐूเคช เคธे เค•ाเคฐ्เคฏ เค•เคฐเคจे เคฎें เคญी เคฎเคฆเคฆเค—ाเคฐ เคนै।

4. เค‡เคฎ्เคฏूเคจ เคธिเคธ्เคŸเคฎ เค•ो เคฎเคœเคฌूเคค เค•เคฐ เคธเคฐ्เคฆी, เค–ांเคธी, เคซ्เคฒू เคธे เคฒเคก़เคจे เคฎें เคฎเคฆเคฆ เค•เคฐเคคा เคนै।

5. เคฆांเคค เค”เคฐ เคฎเคธूเคก़ों เค•ो เคฎเคœเคฌूเคค เคฌเคจाเคคे เคนैं।

เค‡เคจเคฎें เคนै เคญเคฐเคชूเคฐ เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी

เค“เคฐेंเคœ: เคเค• เคฌเคก़े เคธंเคคเคฐे เคฎें 82 เคฎिเคฒीเค—्เคฐाเคฎ เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी เคชाเคฏा เคœाเคคा เคนै।

เคฐेเคก เคชिเคชเคฐ: เค†เคงा เค•เคช เค•เคŸी เคนुเคˆ เคฒाเคฒ เคฎिเคฐ्เคš เคฎें 95 เคฎिเคฒीเค—्เคฐाเคฎ เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी เคชाเคฏा เคœाเคคा เคนै।

เค•ेเคฒ: เคเค• เค•เคช เค•ेเคฒ เคฎें 80 เคฎिเคฒीเค—्เคฐाเคฎ เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी เคชाเคฏा เคœाเคคा เคนै।

เคฌ्เคฐोเค•เคฒी: เค†เคงा เค•เคช เคชเค•े เคนुเค เคฌ्เคฐोเค•เคฒी เคฎें 51 เคฎिเคฒीเค—्เคฐाเคฎ เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी เคนोเคคा เคนै।

เคธ्เคŸ्เคฐाเคฌेเคฐी: เค†เคงा เค•เคช เคธ्เคŸ्เคฐाเคฌेเคฐी เคฎें 42 เคฎिเคฒीเค—्เคฐाเคฎ เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी เคนोเคคा เคนै।

เค—्เคฐेเคชเคซ्เคฐूเคŸ: เคนाเคซ เค—्เคฐेเคชเคซ्เคฐूเคŸ เคฎें 43 เคฎिเคฒीเค—्เคฐाเคฎ เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी เคชाเคฏा เคœाเคคा เคนै।

เค…เคฎเคฐूเคฆ: เคเค• เค…เคฎเคฐूเคฆ เคฎें 125 เคฎिเคฒीเค—्เคฐाเคฎ เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी เคชाเคฏा เคœाเคคा เคนै।

เค•ीเคตी: เคเค• เค•ीเคตी เคฎें 64 เคฎिเคฒीเค—्เคฐाเคฎ เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी เคชाเคฏा เคœाเคคा เคนै।

เค—्เคฐीเคจ เคชिเคชเคฐ: เค†เคงा เค•เคช เค•เคŸी เคนुเคˆ เค—्เคฐीเคจ เคชिเคชเคฐ เคฎें 60 เคฎिเคฒीเค—्เคฐाเคฎ เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी เคชाเคฏा เคœाเคคा เคนै।

เคฌ्เคฐเคธेเคฒ्เคธ เคธ्เคช्เคฐाเค‰เคŸ्เคธ: เค†เคงा เค•เคช เคชเค•े เคฌ्เคฐเคธเคฒ्เคธ เคธ्เคช्เคฐाเค‰เคŸ्เคธ เคฎें 48 เคฎिเคฒीเค—्เคฐाเคฎ เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी เคชाเคฏा เคœाเคคा เคนै।

เคชुเคฐूเคท เค•ो เคตिเคŸाเคฎिเคจ เคธी เค•ी 90 เคฎिเคฒीเค—्เคฐाเคฎ เคฎाเคค्เคฐा เคช्เคฐเคคिเคฆिเคจ เคฒेเคจा เคšाเคนिเค เค”เคฐ เคฎเคนिเคฒा เค•े เคฒिเค เคฏเคน 75 เคฎिเคฒीเค—्เคฐाเคฎ เคช्เคฐเคคिเคฆिเคจ เคนै।



AEROPHOBIA Fear of flying AGORAPHOBIA Fear of public space
AILUROPHOBIA Fear of cats AMATHOPHOBIA Fear of dust ARACHNOPHOBIA Fear of spiders
ASTRAPOPHOBIA Fear of lightning CLAUSTROPHOBIA Fear of closed-in spaces
EMETOPHOBIA Fear of vomiting EREUTHOPHOBIA Fear of blushing
GENOPHOBIA Fear of sex 
KERAUNOPHOBIA Fear of thunder MICROPHOBIA Fear of germs/small things
MYSOPHOBIA Fear of dirt 
NYCTOPHOBIA Fear of the dark OCHLOPHOBIA Fear of crowds ORNITHOPHOBIA Fear of birds 
PATHOPHOBIA Fear of disease 
PNIGOPHOBIA Fear of choking PTERONOPHOBIA Fear of feathers
PYROPHOBIA Fear of fire TRISKAEDEKAPHOBIA Fear of the number thirteen
XENOPHOBIA Fear of strangers 
ZOOPHOBIA Fear of animals

๐Ÿ”˜ Hormones of the Anterior Pituitary Gland


 Frank Likes Taking SHowers So Thattle Appears Clean, Tall, Handsome, and PROfessional.


▪️FSH - Follicle-stimulating hormone. Gonadotropin. Ovarian follicle development in females, sperm production in

▪️LH -  luteinizing hormone. Gonadotropin. formation of corpus Lutem, ovulation, estrogende rogesterone synthesis in females. testosterone production in males.

▪️TSH - Thyroid-stimulating hormone stimulates thyroid gland, regulate metabolism.

▪️STH - aka HGH. Somatotropic hormone human growth hormone.
stimulates Protein synthesis genral growth.

▪️ACTH - Stimulates secretion of adrenocortisol hormones, help maintain electrolytic homeostasis cope w/stress.

▪️PROLACTIN - controls production of milk by breasts
decreases GARH inhibits ovulation

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

๐Ÿ”ธ 10 Ways For making life healthy and diseases free.

๐Ÿ”˜ Ayurveda guides how to modify your lifestyle and optimize body functions. In Ayurveda lot of importance is given to mental health as it plays an important role in determining your physical health. Ayurveda benefits in everyday life are such that you need to look at ways to implement it in your daily life.

1️⃣ Wake up early – Ayurveda says that you should rise before dawn at 4:30 – 5:00 AM. This is the purest and most fresh time of the day. Waking up at this time will help you to remain positive and energetic throughout the day. 

2️⃣ Eat an ayurvedic diet – If you want Ayurveda benefits in everyday life then it is advisable to emphasize more on seasonally fresh and organic vegetables and fruits along with whole grains and legumes. Stay away from processed, oily or junk food.

3️⃣ Start your day with honey water – For this, you need to add one teaspoon honey in half a pint of water and drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This will aid in clearing the toxins from your body. 

4️⃣ Get sufficient sleep – The body needs time to detoxify and rejuvenate and the best time for this is when you are sleeping. If you get good quality and enough sleep then the inner cells work in harmony and it will strengthen your immune system and circulate energy throughout your body.

5️⃣ Take a walk every day – Walking is simple and yet the best form of exercise. The best time to take a walk is early morning.

6️⃣ Follow a schedule – Make a schedule of all the things that you need to do during the day and stick to it. This will create a mental, emotional and physical balance in your life.

7️⃣ Eliminate toxins – As soon as you wake up the attempt to clear the toxins from the body in the form of urine or stools. Do not delay the activity of excretion because this will add toxins to your body.

8️⃣ Drink a lot of water – If you drink plenty of water every day then it will aid in flushing out the toxins from the body faster. It will also ensure the smooth running of the digestive system which is good for overall well being.

9️⃣ Oil massage – Massaging yourself with oil every day is a good way to activate your muscles and it will also prevent wrinkles and other damage due to aging. It is also a good way to activate your muscles and ensure that you remain energetic throughout the day.

๐Ÿ”Ÿ Meditation – Some form of meditation is necessary to keep your mental health intact and this, in turn, will ensure that you remain physically healthy.

Sunday, August 23, 2020


 Liquorice is also known as MULETHI in hindi. It's scientific name is GLYCYRRHIZA glabra. It's Sanskrit name is YASHTIMADHU which means " SWEET ROOT".

It is a miraculous herb with Antiviral, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory properties.

It is a popular flavouring Herb as it is 50times SWEETER than sugar and of course safer than sugar!

It has a cooling action.It is a very important herb that can be used to cure Ulcers, Joint pain and Acidity in stomach.

Even its Root extracts have the power to control Malaria, Influenza and Herpez.

It improves Immunity and it's very important to maintain your good immunity and boost it in today's era.

It can heal Mouth and Gastric Ulcers along with reducing gastric secretion.

Daily intake of 5-6 grams of YASHTIMADHU powder is considered as SAFE.

People with Heart disease, suffering from Hypertension and Pregnant women should avoid it's uses.


Saturday, August 22, 2020

Interesting Facts about Ayurveda

 Interesting Facts about Ayurveda

Ayurveda, is the ancient and first medical science. Ayurveda is created by God Brahma. Ayurvedic medicine is an example of a well-organized system of traditional health care, both preventive and curative, that is widely practiced in parts of Asia. Ayurveda has a long tradition behind it, having originated in India perhaps as much as 3,000 years ago. Today it remains a favoured form of health care in large parts of the Eastern world, especially in India, where a large percentage of the population uses this system exclusively or combined with modern medicine.


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